
Victoria Falls

From June 25th to June 27th, 2023

Day 1

  • Arrived from South Africa, landed at the airport, took 30 minutes car ride from the airport to the beginning of the national park where we hopped on a boat. From there it was another 15 minute speed boat ride to the Victoria Falls River Lodge.

  • We got to the property around 4pm, so just had enough time to settle in, have dinner at the lodge and call it a night.

Day 2

  • Woke up to sing happy birthday to Max

  • We left the hotel around 10am to head to Victoria Falls. We arrived by 10:40, drove through mini markets and locals dancing for the tourists, and rented ponchos from a local. Our tour guide shared a bit about Victoria Falls with us in comparison to the other well known falls; such as Iguazu and Niagara. We then started our walk from the entrance and caught our first glimpse of the falls after a short 15 minute walk.

  • We started at the far end where we saw the bridge that links Zimbabwe and Zambia. People were bunjee jumping and ziplining, but we opted out on this trip. In total we spent about 1.5 hours walking around the falls, it seemed every “lookout” point you stopped at warranted a new “better” photo.

  • We got back to the hotel around 1pm and sat for lunch. We went out for a sunset cruise around 4pm and saw crocodiles, hippos, storks, and other river birds. We came back to have dinner at the hotel, sing happy birthday to Max one more time, then we called it a night.

Day 3

  • At 5:40am we had our wake up call and left the lodge by 6:30am. We arrived to airport by 7:30am, nobody was there - not even security. So we sat in the airport for 30-45 minutes for all the staff to arrive and for somebody to show us how/where we were going to fly out.

  • By 9am we hopped on a Cessna charter plane and were on our way to Botswana. Our pilot entertained us by flying over Victoria Falls a few times and we got some great photos and videos.

  • Our flight from Victoria Falls went to Kasane (where we refueled), then from Kasane we flew to Mombo. By 1pm we arrived in Moremi, Botswana.




South Africa