Africa Hailey Pryor Africa Hailey Pryor


Pictured: With Johanne, our moccoro boat driver, after a cruise in the Okavango Delta

Botswana stole our hearts; the scenery changed what seemed to be every corner you turned, from flying over the Okavango Delta to the Vumbra Plains with desertlike savannah terrain. The variety of scenery opened the doors for seeing different types of wildlife and seeing the animals in their natural habitats. Botswana very well may be our favorite country for safari!

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Africa Hailey Pryor Africa Hailey Pryor


Pictured: Hopping into a boat to head to our resort on the Zambezi River

We spent 2 nights in Zimbabwe at the Victoria Falls River Lodge located on the Zambezi river. The Victoria Falls were well worth the visit and we are happy we were able to see it both on foot (and drenched!) as well as from above in a plane. Looking at the falls puts earths existence in perspective (it was formed over 180 million years ago). Seeing both the river and the falls were magical and made you appreciate this water-source and how many countries in Africa depend on it - both upstream and downstream.

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South Africa
Africa Hailey Pryor Africa Hailey Pryor

South Africa

Pictured: Cape of Good Hope in Cape Town, South Africa

We spent almost a week in the country of South Africa and were amazed at all the different offerings: scenery in the Western Cape Town, safari in Sabi Sand, wine country in Franschhoek, and city hustle in Johannesburg. Spending time in wine country and at safari made us wish we had more time to explore the areas more, but we are forever grateful to have had the chance to experience it in the first place.

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Africa Hailey Pryor Africa Hailey Pryor


Pictured: Heading into Mount Karisimbi to meet the Isimbi gorilla family with our guide, Eugene, in Volcanos National Park, Rwanda.

We were so impressed with Rwanda, the people, the landscape, the history, the wildlife and the way of life. We found ourselves in awe at the peacefulness of the countryside and the genuine happiness of the people who spend their days transporting things up and down the busy streets. The experience of trekking to find gorillas and spend time with their ‘family’ impossible to capture with mere words.

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Africa Hailey Pryor Africa Hailey Pryor


Pictured: Hot air balloon ride over the Mara River in Maasai Mara, Kenya

Our first safari began in the Maasai Mara where we stayed a few nights at the mountain top lodge of Angama Mara. We were blown away at the beauty of the land, the plethora and variety of animals, the connection to local cultures, and the full scale operation of the safari teams. Seeing a kill on our first day of certainly set the bar high, and every day while out on safari is sure to be full of excitement, anticipation, primitive thrills, and a sense of perspective.

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Africa Hailey Pryor Africa Hailey Pryor


Pictured: Aboard a dhow boat near Mnemba Island in North Zanzibar Island

We started our African journey off at the relaxing and private beach resort on Mnemba Island, Zanzibar. We rode a traditional dhow boat, saw sea turtles laying eggs, watched a turtle nest hatch and run to the ocean for their first time, became dive certified, snorkeled, had beach dinners, forest dinners, massages, and yoga galore.

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Belmond Venice-Simplon Orient Express
Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor

Belmond Venice-Simplon Orient Express

Pictured: VSOE Train in Romania

Climbing aboard the Orient Express is historic from the moment you spot it at the train station. We loved getting to know fellow YPO International and learning more about the worlds around them. We haven’t had an experience quite like the one we did aboard the Orient Express, but we’re glad we were able to be a part of its ongoing history. Watching people snap the trains picture as we traveled along the [mile] journey also helped remind us of the incredible experience we were embarking on.

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Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor


Pictured: Hviezdoslav Square in Bratislava

We had a great short stay in Slovakia. The town of Bratislava has so much to offer and the city was buzzing with people. There was a promenade style street where art exhibitions were set up, and we were also surprised with a mini classic car show at the end of their Main Street. The watering holes we drank at were creative and delicious and we feel like we only scratched the surface of what Slovakia has to offer.

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Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor


Pictured: Lake Bled

Slovenia won our hearts over quickly with the incredible capital of Ljubljana. The city felt like a castle itself, surrounded by a beautiful river with tour boats constantly going up and down. The visit to the castle itself was also a dream, remarkably remodeled (we haven’t seen another one like it) and has an entire culture and nightlife of its own. Spending time in Lake Bled was the highlight; no other lake town has a small naturally built historical island in it, with water so clear you can see fish swimming 20 feet away. Lake Bled stole our hearts and gave us the right of relaxation that we needed.

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Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor


Pictured: Church of Saint Sava in Belgrade

Serbia was one of our favorite large cities to visit in the Balkans. It had it all, both historical and eastern elements as well as modern and western influences to it. The city of Belgrade was so vast and expansive that we didn’t feel like we got to explore it all properly. Belgrade is hailed as the most lively of the Balkan cities and you can see it easily when walking past the many different mom and pop restaurants, bars, and local shops.

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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Pictured: The Old Bridge in Mostar

The countryside in Bosnia & Hercegovina is some of the most memorable we’ve seen. The natural waterfalls at Kravica and the small town of Mostar were highlights of our trip through the small country. While in Sarajevo we took the time to learn more about the city’s war torn past and how it’s been able to recover over the years.

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Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor


Pictured: Boat cruise outside of the ‘Blue Cave’ on Kolocep Island

Our road trip through Croatia was as beautiful as can be expected. Driving northbound along the coast, we passed Petrovac, stopped for photos in Sveti Stefan, had lunch and a boat ride around Budva, and settled into our hotel which was about a 10 minute walk outside the city walls of Dubrovnik. We spent most of our days on the water, but otherwise walking around the old town and even walked the entire circumference of the historic city walls.

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Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor


Pictured: Walking into Sveti Stefan (even though it has been closed since 2020). We look forward to staying here when it reopens!

We immediately fell in love with Montenegro, there’s something mysterious and private about it. We took the coastal route up north from Albania and made a few coastal city stops along the way. Montenegro feels like the spot you go when you’re looking to truly disconnect and stay off the grid. The nature is beautiful, the hospitality is thorough, and the activities to partake in are endless.

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Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor


Pictured: Walking into Bunk Art 2 in Tirana

We spent 2 days in Tirana, and somehow ended up at a ‘Holi’ festival within 3 hours of arriving. We flew by the seat of our pants and indulged in all that Albania had to offer. There were some incredible food streets, a lot of people outdoors enjoying themselves and the great weather, war museums, and even the occasional casino.

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North Macedonia
Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor

North Macedonia

Pictured: Walking through Porta Macedonia in Skopje

North Macedonia had so many different things to offer. We started off in the city of Skopje, of which we had never seen so many statues in one single city before. We then took an excursion shortly out of town to Matka Canyon and were so impressed with this type of natural beauty so close to town! The highlight, of course, was Lake Ohrid… the pearl of North Macedonia.

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Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor


Pictured: View from our hotel overlooking the Tsar Osvoboditel & Cathedral Saint Alexander Nevsky

It took us a little while to get our bearings in Bulgaria, but once we did we had a great time. We spent 2 nights in the city of Sofia and walked all around town until our feet couldn’t take it anymore. Sofia seems the most unchanged since the soviet era, and we had a great time learning and imagining what life was like during the 70s and 80s.

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Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor


Pictured: An Orthodox Church of Ukraine near Pnikut, near the border crossing in Medyka

Our trip to Ukraine was unexpected but eventful to say the least. The drive from Warsaw to Lviv took about 5 hours. Once we settled in Lviv we were able to get a glimpse into what ‘normal’ life is like in Ukraine. The countryside was just as beautiful as the city life. The churches like the one pictured are scattered all over the countryside and each one of them was uniquely stunning.

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Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor


Pictured: The Royal Castle in Warsaw

Our stay in Poland was quick and we saw many things that we didn’t get to explore. We walked all around Warsaw and started our Polish trip off at the zoo that The Zookeeper’s Wife was written about. So much history is in Poland, but the city of Warsaw seemed young, full of energy, and the weather could not have been better for us. We ate pierogies, zapiekankas, played pinball and skiball, rode scooters around the city, and enjoyed a nice walk around the river.

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Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor


Pictured: Brussels, Belgium

Brussels was a quirky city that reminded us of San Francisco. A progressive city with ‘something for everyone’. We drank Delerium Tremens beer, ate at food halls, ate Belgian waffles, walked all around the city, shopped and took a spin on the The View (pictured above).

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Europe Hailey Pryor Europe Hailey Pryor


Pictured: Alzette River in the Clausen neighborhood in Luxembourg City

Luxembourg has an interesting history and has played a big role in the EU with respect to it’s formation and the setting up of the Euro. We found the city of Luxembourg to be quiet, friendly and peaceful.

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